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West Africa

The Yoruba people are a large ethnic group indigenous to West Africa, primarily in Nigeria but also in neighboring countries such as Benin and Togo. The Yoruba have a rich and complex history, with evidence of their culture dating back to the 9th century. Some believe the Yorubas originated in the northeast region of Africa and migrated to their current location over time, while the Yoruba mythology claims that land as we know it started in Ile-Ife.

Yoruba Culture

The Yoruba have a rich cultural heritage, with a long history of art, music, dance, and spirituality. Their religious beliefs center around the worship of various gods and spirits, known as Orishas, and the tradition of Ifa divination, which uses a system of symbols and verses to provide guidance and understanding.

Transatlantic Slave Trade

In the 19th century, the Yoruba were impacted by the transatlantic slave trade, with many Yoruba people being taken from their homes and sold into slavery in the Americas. Despite this, the Yoruba culture has survived and flourished, with many Yoruba people retaining their traditions and customs, and continuing to make significant contributions to the wider world in areas such as art, literature, and music.

Recent History

In recent years, the Yoruba have faced challenges such as ethnic and religious conflicts, as well as political instability, but the strength of their culture and traditions remains a source of pride and inspiration for the Yoruba people.